I came across Vanessa Marr’s Domestic Duster’s project on Instagram. The project invites people to commit their ideas about women and domesticity to a duster. The project has been running for a few years and well over 100 dusters have been contributed. Any views and methods are welcome and the collected work has been exhibited around the UK and as far afield as Florida!
The idea of contributing instantly appealed to me so I ordered some dusters and started thinking about ideas. I based my designs on the idea of domestic drudgery – thinking about the way so many domestic tasks are dull, menial, tiring and tedious.

I quickly got hold of some dusters and started stitching. I wanted to practice adding text to textiles and this has been a great project for this. I have used a range of sizes and stitches across my four dusters which has given me some valuable practice and reference for what works in future.
After posting the finished dusters on my Instagram account Vanessa got in touch to say she was putting on another exhibition (March 2022) and she would love to include some of them! Even better the exhibition happened to be in my home city so I got to go along and see them there!

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